Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Challenge #2

Its that time again! Time to enter another scrapbook layout challenge. This one is also brought to you by Color Me Scrappy!

The colors were beautiful this time and definitely in my normal color scheme. Check them out:

Anyone who knows me, knows I adore the color purple and I really liked the deep purple for this one. Hope you enjoy my entry. I had a blast making it!

I've decided I'm not really entering these contests to win. I'm doing it for two big reasons: 1) Its been a completely different experience cropping for a contest and gives me a chance to focus on something new, and 2) I'm really working hard to improve my own personal layout style. Since I started cropping 3 years ago, there has been a definite improvement in my style, and I feel like the contests make me think in different terms.

I really do enjoy cropping, but not because I like having an album full of beautiful pages to remember certain experiences. That's actually secondary to why I became a scrapbooker. I do it because I really do enjoy the process. Each page is 12in x 12in and I love putting together all the different puzzle pieces to create a fun page. I guess its the designer in me that pushes me forward.

Looking forward to the next challenge!

Friday, April 13, 2012

First Online Challenge

Last week my friend, Grace, and I discovered the wonderful world of scrap challenges. What a refreshing way to scrap some cool events!

The first challenge we entered was at our local Archiver's store for a chance to win an iPad. We should find out the winner sometime this weekend. I don't expect to win that one, but it was a lot of fun participating!

So I guess this is technically our second challenge, but I'm calling it a first since it was an online challenge.

We discovered this challenge by Color Me Scrappy.

Basically, they give you a set of colors to work with and you create from there. It was amazing to see the difference in both of our pages. We ended up having a LOT of fun. We hope to do more in the future!

Here are the colors for their first challenge:

And here is my entry for the page. Enjoy!